Sunday 1 February 2009

Sunday 16 November 2008

Smiling Video

Smiling Video
Originally uploaded by D, T and C's Pics
Chloe, for the first time caught on video smiling!

Saturday 11 October 2008

Chloe's first smile

Chloe treated me and Terrena to our first smile this morning:). It was so cute:)

Sunday 24 August 2008

Little traveller

Chloe had her first trip into Leeds today at the tender age of 5 days:-). She visited Boots, Albion Street, Debenhams and said goodbye to Nan and Grandad who went back home. She also had her photo taken by a nice lady in a studio:-)

Tuesday 19 August 2008

Welcome Chloe

So after 9 months of waiting here she is! Little Chloe!

Friday 30 May 2008

I've been published!

It's been a busy day for blog postings today, but this is the last one for today! A while ago I was sent a mail by a website called Schmap telling me that one of my photographs on Flickr was being considered for publication on their website and would I give my permission for them to publish it. Naturally I was quite flattered by this and so agreed that they could use it on their site. I thought nothing more of it until tonight when I got a mail saying that it had been published! They haven't used a big copy of it, but my name is under it and it links back to my Flickr page
:-) Follow the link below to see it in all of its 2x2 glory!,-7.20079685&bottomright=43.56321805,2.64633385&i=79730.jpg

Baby's first accessory!

Well, today we vistited Kirsty and have bought baby's first accessory. Baby is now the proud owner of a musical and light swinging seat. Looking at it I want an adult version! It looks so relaxing....

Heating bits and pieces

All of the bits and pieces for the heating system were delivered late last night waiting to be installed next week. I'm looking forward to getting hot water when we want it and hopefully being warm in the winter!

Thursday 29 May 2008

Moving, painting, sitting back and relaxing.

I've been busy this week! I've finally been ejected from the room I've been using for my computer and bits and bobs and moved into the boxroom. That took some effort to make habitable first! Today I have painted babies room in a lovely yellow colour - Lemon Pie! Trina is not a fan of the colour, says it's too bright, I however think it's perfect! In a way Trina made the colour choice possible, if she hadn't been so stuborn and found out what sex the baby was she could have had Blue or Pink LOL! Everything you read tells you that baby wants bright colours! Finally now after the hard work is done I can sit and relax for a bit!

Monday 26 May 2008

Rock Band

Visited Cross Gates today to purchase possibly the last 'toy' I will buy before the baby is born - Rock Band for the XBOX 360! I got the game and a set of drums and have spent most of the day playing with them! Excellent fun :-) Best of all tho, it works with my Guitar Hero 3 guitar, meaning that we can have drums and guitars at the same time or indiviually.

UPDATE: Finished guitar on Easy, Medium beckons!

Saturday 24 May 2008

Kaiser Chiefs

We went to see the Kaiser Chiefs perform at Elland Road today, it was an excellent performance. Shame about Kate Nash and The Enemy, but I guess you can't have everything!


Well I am a little worse for wear but am going to attempt this posting! We've just got back from saying ta-ra to Hayley and Martyn at their leaving do over in Kippax. For those that don't know they are emigrating to Canada. It was a good evening and I hope they both enjoyed it and got some memories to look back on in their new life.

Sunday 18 May 2008

3D Scan

Baby D + T 3d Scan
Originally uploaded by D and T's Pics
All I can say is wow. Of course you get to see the baby at normal ultrasound scans,but until you have seen one of these you realise that you haven't really seen anything! You get to see baby's nose, face, eyes, hands, well everything! Apart from the sex, which Trina decided again she didn't want to see. Looks like we are in for a suprise now then!

Saturday 17 May 2008

Mom's Birthday/Baby's pressie

Tomorrow is Mom's birthday so we went down today to see her. Whilst we were there Mom and Dad gave us an envelope addressed to Baby Unsworth. The envelope contained some money to buy some bits and pieces for little Baby Unsworth :-) First pressie to come out of it will be a cot mounted light show :-)

Friday 16 May 2008

Working with fools

At the moment one of my workmates is currently, Chris, is currently reading my blog and correcting my grammer! This is what I have to put up with!

Working with fools!

At the moment one of my workmates, Chris, is currently reading my blog and correcting my grammer! This is what I have to put up with!

Thursday 15 May 2008

I think the baby has picked its career.....

Judging by the last two day's I think the baby is going to be a footballer! After 24 weeks baby Unsworth has finally decided to make their presence known thorugh the medium of kicking :-) For me, it's the first time I've ever felt a baby kick, for Trina it's obviously a completely different experience as it's happening inside of her, but for both of us, one thing's for certain, it's absolutley amazing!

We have our 3D scan on Sunday, so, with a bit of luck (and co-operation from baby, be nice and lie in the right place!) we will have some fantastic pictures and Video.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Let down by the RSPCA

At the moment I am feeling a bit sad. Last night we found some tiny baby birds on our drive, two had died but one was still alive. We bought him in thinking that although we probably couldn't do anything for him it would be better for him to die in our house than for the ants or a cat to get to him first. Imagine our suprise when 3 hours later he was still alive and kicking.

So, I phoned the RSPCA and asked them to come and get him, the girl on the phone said yep, we'll send someone round. Then 10 mins later another phone call saying can I take him to a vet in the morning, when I said I can't as I am working early they replied with keep him in a box, put the box outside and we'll be round in the morning.

As it happens due to unconnected circumstances I was at home this morning when they phoned me this morning, this time saying put him in a tree for a couple of hours and see if the mother comes back for him. I asked what if a cat got him and was told "its the natural pecking order of things" which, maybe it is, but what an awful attitude from a chairty that is supposed to care. I really wasnt happy about this but did it, as that was what they advised. Two hours later, he is still alive but now having been out in the cold for ages is now a bit weak. I phoned again and they finally decide to send someone round.

By the time they arrived it was too late. This is not the first time I, or rather an animal near me, has been let down by the RSPCA.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Baby scan, age 23 weeks +four days

Baby scan week 23
Originally uploaded by D and T's Pics
Well this is the clearest picture of baby Unsworth yet, you can see his/her face! I say his/her because we don't know, not through lack of trying on my part, Trina remains yet to be convinced of the merits and advantages of knowing what sex the baby is. Still, got about 15 weeks to make her see the error of her ways!

Saturday 29 March 2008

28th March 2008, I'm sure I'm supposed to be somewhere....

....Ah yes, thats right - Getting Married!

Well the day came and went without a hitch - except for the normal problem of getting out of Leeds city centre - 2 years living here, 5 years of visits and I still can't get my head around that loop road.

Although the day started out in typical Northern England style with almost torrential rain, the weather improved enough for us to get outside in the afternoon and get some pretty decent shots.

Now, just need to find a holiday destination and hey presto - honeymoon!

Thursday 13 March 2008


23rd March Snow!
Originally uploaded by D and T's Pics
One week before the wedding and the weather does this! We went for a walk in the snow across the fields today, and although I nearly broke my legs several times (will wear proper shoes next time!) I enjoyed it. I just hope it doesn't do this next week!

Saturday 8 March 2008

Rainy Swillington - Through a bedroom window

This is the current weather picture in Swillington, Leeds. Here's hoping it's not like this on the 28th!

Friday 1 February 2008

Hello little one!

10 weeks ultrasound
Originally uploaded by D and T's Pics
Well its now 10 weeks since we found out about the baby, and being the impatient couple we are we decided to go and have a private scan done so we could see the little bundle for ourselves! And here he is. I say he, cos I'm convinced it will be a boy!

Weather permitting, we're off up to Cumbria this afternoon with the scan pics to introduce him (lol) to his Grandparents!

Sunday 27 January 2008

Mom, Dad, I've got some news for you.....

The journey to Birmingham this weekend was special. Well, the journey was just the same to be fair, the M1 doesn't change much, but the purpose of the journey was very different. For this was the weekend we broke some news to my Mom, Dad and Brother..... they are about to become Grand Parents and Uncle to our first child.

I had planned all day how I was going to break the news, a nervous feeling in my stomach everytime I thought about it. I thought I would get them together in the living room and tell them. In the end, I blurted it out over a Chinese I bought for them! The news was very well received :-)

Wednesday 26 December 2007 just changed...again

Well we're back home. On the way back we popped into Boots and picked up a little something. That little something had a digital display on it that, after following the instructions in the packet, read "Pregnant". Like I said, life just changed...again.

Boxing Day Friend

Red Squirrel
Originally uploaded by D and T's Pics
So it's December 26th, Christmas is over for another year, I'm at work tomorrow and thinking about the drive back to Leeds. Oh and of course the fact that the girlfriend I came to Workington with is now my Fiancee!

Whilst having breakfast in my future parents-in-law's kitchen we spotted this little fellow having some brekky of his own. It's the first time I've seen a red squirrel in the flesh, don't think there are any in Birmingham, and after a few photos we left him to it...until another one appeared! How cool :-)

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Christmastime, Mistletoe and engagement rings...

Well, it finally happend. After 18 months or so together I popped the question and presented the ring, and it was accepted :-) Told you it was going to be a special Christmas!

It's been a great day, my Finacee (lol) bought me a Nintendo DS, knowing I'd been after one for ages! She's good at this present lark.

We all had dinner at a local pub, The Briery where we were treated to Honey Carrots, something I think I would like to have again in the future!

Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas Eve

Twas the day before Xmas and everyone was on the road....well we are at least. I'm on my up to Cumbria after work today to spend Christmas with my girlfriends parents. Should be cool. It's gonna be a special Christmas....